Digital Marketing for Beginners was written for massage therapists and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.
After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients i return, I decided to start marketing online.
It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!
But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!
That's when I wrote this book!!
With tips on how to build business website that are super simple and easy to learn, with techniques that help you get traffic, build your customer base, a thriving business can become a reality.
For anyone who wants a website, you should know that building it can be affordable, fun, and extremely easy.
Whether you are "computer savvy" or not, and if hiring a fancy web designer (and paying out thousands of dollars) is not an option, this way is do-able, and much less expensive.
What a website should say about a business
And ...
1. Think outside the box - When you build your own website, you discover a creative side of yourself, a side you never knew existed. Start your planning by thinking about what will make your business unique and different than the rest
2. Use quality pictures of the business - You may find businesses who have used pictures of their building or office entrance,, pictures of the products they use, or services they offer, of clients with testimonials, but go a bit further. You can choose what ever you want to put on your site, but the more pictures, the more you tell about yourself and why you chose this career, the better!
3. Emphasize how your business helps your customers live better/easier/healthier/happier - With simple tips, you can help others discover how your business will enrich their lives. A website is a way to help people to understand how your service can make their lives easier, by making them feel more at ease calling the business for the first time.
4. Use the best keywords - like " How to build business website " - keywords are words your customers type in when searching for a business to use (Atlanta Massage Therapy, Car Repair Birmingham, or Orlando Dentist), and the better, more accurate you choose, the more customers you get
5. Get active on Social Media - start a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other relevant social media Accounts that would help your business, and post / socialize every day, but only 2-3 times per day
6. Use customer testimonials on your home page - nothing makes your business more credible than affirmations from already established clients, and this creates instant trust
7. Use regular letters - don't use all capital letters and don't use bold letters - both turn people off, and it is viewed as shouting online, and nobody wants to be yelled at
Too scared to get started?
Let me assure you, before this website, I had absolutely no computer experience. It literally scared me to turn the computer on. No joke!
SBI! is the company I used to build this site and I would highly recommend it to anyone who needs to learn how to build a website. It is a simple, step-by-step way that anyone (if I can do this, I promise you anyone can) can use to create their website. It provides you the proven ability to build your website one step at a time, with simple instructions, no rush and no deadlines.
Watch the following video for an introduction to SBI, and building your website block by block!
How You Learn - How to Build Business Website The Right Way
Most all instruction is through video presentations, that you can start and stop at your convenience, the process of finding keywords for your pages (keywords are what people actually type when they search the web), designing (from hundreds of choices) what you website will look like, how to write your pages, and how to promote the site to potential customers. And it is all a step-by-step, simple process.
The first step is the hardest. After your website is purchased, you watch the video on what to do, and what not to do, and you start writing and designing each page. Simple instruction is given, not lots of technical "mumbo-jumbo".
Before you know it, you have a website that you can really be proud of - and one that can really bring you business!
Marketing your business online
Whether you want a website for your practice, a business, a school, or another adventure you've contemplated forever, SBI! is an easy way to build a site and learn how marketing online can bring you lots of customers.
They teach you about marketing on social media sites, sharing information on forums, and how to get others to place your link on their website and direct their customers to you.
Read more about the benefits of building a SBI! website, why it's easier, less expensive and more effective than someone else building for you!
Think a website is not really necessary for your business? Read more from Forbes!
You might think that your only choice for building a website is to hire a web designer. Not true! Solo Build It! is a simple way to build a great website that requires no technology training.
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