Digital Marketing for Beginners was written for massage therapists and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.
After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients i return, I decided to start marketing online.
It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!
But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!
That's when I wrote this book!!
Self massage
tools allow us to have the convenience of self massage for tension-filled muscles wherever we are - at work, at home or away from home.
Massage tools have grown in popularity so much, that there are now companies who make only these types of tools. Also, there are companies who offer foot massage as a benefit, a way to help employees get through the work day.
Holistic choices for health are now being sought by health-minded consumers all over the world, and demand is growing.
Some speculate that healthcare costs rising year after year, as well as consumer's desire for less consumption of drugs and/or medical procedures may be the reason why people want more holistic self care options.
As a result, consumers now try to learn more about their health and what they can do naturally to encourage their healing.
1. Hand Held Massage Tools - Allow you to work on your own muscles, at home or at work, or may be used by a massage therapist to massage tension-filled or trouble spots in the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders.
2. Back Massage Tools - highly rated back massage tools to use at home or office for 2020
3. Neck Massage Tools - Helps to release neck tension, and ease migraine pain
Many of these muscle problems cause pain, reduced range of motion, and severe inflammation if not addressed properly. That is one reason why massage therapy has grown in popularity with consumers over the past decade.
Self massage tools are now being suggested by massage therapists to clients who need muscle tension relief more often than their pocket books will allow more visits to the therapist.
Tools come in a many shapes and are used for different muscle issues. No tool does it all, and each consumer needs specific massage tool features.
These are our recommendations for specialty massage tools. All are hand-held tools, rolling tools, or handle-type massage tools for easy use by the consumer.
The primary goal in deeper massage therapy techniques is using compression. Holding pressure at an appropriate level, allows you to feel the tension release and relax.
If the pressure is too much, a subtle massage at the point of the compression may be used. Tools just help you apply pressure for longer periods, without fatigue.
The Reathlete Deep45 Massage Gun is a great trigger point self-massage tool for those who need relief from back, neck, leg, and arm pain caused by overuse or repetitive motions. It is hand-held and wireless and offers super deep tissue massage and pain relief.
All of these self massage tools are designed to be used over clothing, making them perfect for self care anytime. No oils are needed when using the hand-held massage tools.
You may also be interested in learning how to use sets of hot stones and cold stones as tools for releasing muscle tension.
Read more tips about self massage and tools that help at Stress Free Mama.
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