
Digital Marketing for Beginners was written for massage therapists and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.

After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients i return, I decided to start marketing online. 

It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!

But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!

That's when I wrote this book!! 

Neck Massage Techniques
for releasing muscles in neck, back, shoulders, arms, and head!

Neck massage techniques include simple stretches and movements to release muscles in the neck and shoulders, and it is also helpful for those who suffer from tension headaches, eye strain, migraines, and chronic neck pain .

Techniques often includes massage of shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp and facial muscles. It can be given to treat pain conditions such as TMJ, and pulled or injured muscles. 

Treatment is often given with a series of trigger point release movements using thumbs, fingertips, palms of hands and fists. Occasionally, a therapist may use flat warm massage stones to facilitate release in the muscles, or cold stones if inflammation appears in neck muscles.

Neck pain can be caused by inflammation, whiplash, sleeping in the wrong position or just a wrong sudden movement. It can be very painful or just a dull, nagging ache.

With the benefits of cold stones, combined with hot stone massage therapy  neck pain and tension relief can be quickly provided.

Typically, the therapy will start with massage to the shoulders, upper chest, and back of head. The work will eventually include deeper pressure, usually at the base of the skull.

Kneading techniques will be used to encourage blood flow to the muscles and help them begin to relax. This may include gentle grasping and holding of the muscles for a few seconds at a time.

Seated chair massage is a good way to get neck massage on a regular basis, if you have access to a therapist who has a chair massage business either in an office building or salon. It can also be more financially reasonable to pay $15 for a 15-minute seated chair massage twice per week than $60 for a one hour massage once per week.

Because poor posture is sometimes to blame for neck pain, you may be encouraged by the therapist to watch your posture and to start doing stretching exercises throughout the day.

Just like using the cold and hot stones, heat can help to relax tense muscles, but, if you feel that you have inflammation (swelling, heat or irritation at the main area of pain), an ice pack is best.

Use the ice pack in 15 minute intervals, to avoid damage of the skin. Try keeping it on 15 minutes, off 15 minutes.

You should consult your doctor if you have shooting pains or numbness/tingling in hands or other areas.

This DVD,  The Ultimate Face, Scalp, Neck & Shoulder Massage teaches how to neck massage techniques to help with headaches, neck pain and pain in the muscles of the jaw and face. It addresses therapeutic massage procedures that can help ease pain, as well as teaching warning signs of other serious issues that need medical attention. 

This video clip demonstrates some of the techniques you will learn from the DVD:

Massage videos are great tools for people to learn new massage techniques for treatment of headaches and neck pain, without having to travel to take a class.

One of the most common pain complaints that massage therapists hear is how the pain of headaches keeps them from performing work duties and other daily activities. 

Read more tips on how to release neck muscles at home at

It is important that you understand neck massage techniques, and how and where to work trigger points in those  muscles in order to help the client, and in order to prevent further injury.

Go back to How to Give a Massage from Neck Massage

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