My Massage Story

by Tina

After a just "OK" experience with my first massage, I decided that I could provide a relaxing atmosphere for people just like me (new to massage,not sure what to expect), without the fancy robes, wine or plush surroundings (and without the fancy price).
So, I decided to go back to massage school.
I knew on the first day of class that it was where I was supposed to be! Have you ever just known that you were doing the right thing--I knew on that day it was right.
And I've known it every day since then.
I love massage. I love helping people not be in pain any more. I love helping them relax to such an extent that they fall asleep. I love it when they say, "I drifted off to another world".
That's the power of massage-the power of touch!
A few weeks ago my daughter came home from a long day at band camp. She asked me to rub her back, which I gladly agreed to do.
The next morning I log on to "Facebook" and notice she has posted:
"I really love that my mom is a massage therapist!"
Know what? I really love it too!
I learn something new about massage, and something new about me, almost every day.
But when I learned that she thought what I do for a living was cool, it made it even better!

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