
Digital Marketing for Beginners was written for massage therapists and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.

After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients i return, I decided to start marketing online. 

It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!

But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!

That's when I wrote this book!! 

Best Hot Stone Massage DVD 
for learning one of the most relaxing therapies ever!

A hot stone massage DVD will provide stone massage training to massage therapists who want to offer this service to their clients. It teaches how to heat stones, clean stones, and provide extraordinary treatments.

For therapists who want to work in the spa industry, learning hot stone massage is a must. This is one of the most popular services offered in spas, clinics, and private practice offices all over the world.

This Hot Stone DVD Education set, created by the experienced therapists and educators at Nature's Stones, Inc., helps you understand how to use massage stones to give several different types of hot stone treatments.

Each type of massage is carefully demonstrated to show the best routine for each treatment.

They teach proper use of massage stones, marketing hot stone massage, why they are so effective for massage, safety precautions, hot stone massage supplies needed, and about setting up your massage room for treatments.

Instructions are given slowly in order for the therapist to work along with the instructor. Practicing each type of therapy on a real person before actually giving this massage to clients is important, for the safety of you and your client.

This hot stone massage DVD set shows you how to set up your massage room and the exact stone supplies you will need. With hot stone massage, having all your supplies and being totally prepared, greatly affects how well your session goes.

Because you are working with such hot temperatures, and your client knows this, using a good massage stone heater, and having a bowl of cold water next to your stones, is a must. These are some of the most important things to have when doing a hot stone massage!

Many other tips are provided in this educational DVD set to help you to maximize the depth of relaxation of this massage, helping to ensure your client releasing stress and tension, and helping to ensure that the client will be coming back.

The lengths of the DVD's vary, but most are approximately 60 minutes and covers a full body hot stone massage, facial stone massage, foot and hand massage, and shaped stone use.

This is a short massage video clip lesson by Pat Mayrhofer of Natures Stones, Inc.

This set, Hot Stone Massage Education Package - 4 DVD's & 4 Digital User Manual's By Nature's Stones Inc is highly rated by other therapists and provides detailed instruction of several types of hot stone therapies.

These DVD's are easy to understand, teaching tools that provides information about how each stone can be used in the treatment.

It also includes a manual with step-by-step instructions, techniques, tips and "how-to" guides for different types of massage therapy with hot stones.

With these videos, you can learn how to offer different services of hot stone massage, such as foot massage using warm stones, facial massage with stones, hand massage treatments with hot stones, as well as using stones on muscle spasms and pulled or strained muscle groups.

Pat also teaches how to incorporate essential oils into the stone massage routine. Learning not only how to use hot stones for relaxation, but also how to use them for aches, pains, strains, and scar tissue, is important, so that you are prepared to treat whatever pain issues your clients are dealing with.

And this hot stone massage DVD set will certainly help!

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