Circle Of Life Healing United Care for People and Pets

by By: Bonny DonnellyLMT. RM.CAMT
(Dallas, Georgia)

In 1999, Reiki energy healing was the initial force that brought me into massage. I was a vet tech at the time and saw firsthand how very needed alternative therapies were for the animals. So I became a Reiki Master and went back into the animal hospital thinking that is where I'd remain.
But Guidance intervened and told me " No- you have to work on ALL the animals!" Animals are very bonded to people and we have much to learn from them. When I heard about Pet Massage, I knew that was someting I needed to learn. My wise veterinarian friend advised me to become licensed for people first to uphold my credibility in the veterinary world. Wow. I'd never in my life thought to be a "masseuse!" But I did love practicing Reiki! The animals (and people) loved it and responded so well that I had begun teaching it. I wanted to learn more , so off to massage school I went. I chose a facility that was also for acupuncturists, to learn the foundation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) so I could then apply it to my work. Once graduated, I got certified immediately in canine/feline massage therapy (at ITT in Ohio), and began my little practice providing Reiki and Massage services to people and their pets. This expanded into the wildlife world as well.
I received referrals from vets for orthopedic post-op care for dogs and cats with conditions such as hip dysplasia, FHO, ACL, herniated discs and animals who'd been hit by cars, and other conditions. It expanded into geriatric work, hospice care, and sports massage for show and agility dogs. Now I teach people how to work on their own pets and have designed a Reiki for animals class too. I always work with the caregiver to help the animals as they have their hands on their pet every day...
Presently I have also moved into teaching a wonderful NEW massage modality called "TIAN DI Bamboo Massage"!
Created by a friend of mine, it offers NCBTMB approved 18 hands-on CEU's, and is distinctly different and uniquely therapeutic. To read more about this work please go to:

In addition, please see the recently published article in Massage Today Magazine:

You may also read more about some of these modalities here:
I still maintain a private practice as well as teach and work with chiropractors and other practitioners of the healing arts.

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