
Digital Marketing for Beginners was written for massage therapists and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.

After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients i return, I decided to start marketing online. 

It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!

But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!

That's when I wrote this book!! 

Marketing Massage Therapy 
using LinkedIn to grow your business and your career options!

Marketing massage therapy and sharing your resume on LinkedIn can help grow your clientele, help clients see all the services that you are trained in, and create a fun way to communicate with other massage professionals.

However, if marketing yourself is not done with purpose on LinkedIn, it can be a waste of time and effort.  

Tips on Marketing Massage Therapy on LinkedIn

Effective communication is critical for any professional or small business, but in massage, marketing is essential to success.

If a therapist is extremely skilled in providing massage therapy, but too afraid to share their experience with clients and/or sources for clients, their business will be doomed for success.

Social media is one of those places that you can easily share information about the massage services you provide.

Here are a few tips on marketing yourself on LinkedIn:

  • Share not only the services you offer, but the benefits of massage therapy for specific aches and pains that most people have, such as headaches, back pain, and sinusitis
  • Perfect for marketing "niche" services for a specific population, such as pregnancy massage for expecting mothers, "like" businesses who sell, cater, or provide other services to expectant mothers. Share the benefits of massage for pregnant women and make sure your telephone number/contact information is on your page.
  • Connect with other massage therapists and spas in your area
  • Connect with other businesses in your community
  • Connect with physicians, nurse practitioners, birth assistants, and other health care providers for pregnant women (or whatever pain or medical demographic of patients are in your practice) on professional social media sites such as LinkedIn.
  • Make you message services unique, interesting, clear, and beneficial. Your communication will not work in any type of advertising, if it is not compelling to the reader.
  • Your message should fill a need for your potential client or potential employer. It should talk about results of the therapy you offer, like, "9 out of 10 people report that their headache has disappeared by the end of the massage session" or "I incorporate stretching techniques that you can use at home to relieve sciatica pain" or something else that helps them understand you provide skills specific to their pain.

Marketing massage therapy must offer one very important aspect...making sure the information we share is worth sharing!

High quality content brings more people to your website or blog. When they arrive, make sure that they can learn more about you and your experience, as well as the benefits of massage therapy for their lives.

Your information is high quality content if it is helpful information, something that's valuable, not just self promotion of yourself, services, or business.

Social media gives us a type of "permission" to share ourselves with others, but you must respect that permission. To do that, only 10-15% of your posts should be promotional of business services.

Remember, that people do not want to be "sold" to, but they love information that helps them make daily life better! Learn how to market yourself and your business.

Educate people about their pain, their body aches, and injuries that you are trained to help with, and gently remind them of your work experience.

As long as you are offering helpful information, and connecting to your client’s needs, marketing massage therapy with social media can be the answer to your need for more regular massage clients.... or the job of your dreams.

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