Digital Marketing for Beginners was written for massage therapists and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.
After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients i return, I decided to start marketing online.
It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!
But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!
That's when I wrote this book!!
Hand massage therapy helps with relaxation from work-related stress, arthritis pain and stiffness, and ease inflammation for folks with scar tissue from hand or wrist surgery.
Work-related stress in the hands comes from typing all day, other computer related work, work that involves repetitive motions with the hands (as in a manufacturing type of job), or any other work that involves a continual movement of hands or certain fingers for long periods of time.
1. Hand Massager - helps to provide added circulation in muscles and joints with acupressure to specified pressure points in the hand
2. Sugar Hand Scrub with Essential Oil - exfoliates and relieves dry, cracked and overworked skin, preparing them to soak in a therapeutic hand cream treatment
3. Hand Cream Treatment - a hand cream with cayenne pepper soothes and relieves joint pain by acting as a type of thermotherapy, or heat therapy, to deeply relax muscles and increase circulation in hands
Massage for arthritis pain involves rubbing the joints and gentle pulling of fingers, thumbs, or toes at the joint. It is usually a light touch massage because usually folks with arthritis are in pain, and deeper tissue massage can often inflame or irritate the hands or feet.
Working with patients who have scar tissue can help to decrease inflammation, reduce swelling and encourage a speedy recover by increasing blood circulation to the affected area. Many people who have massage for scar tissue report that healing occurs much faster, and with fewer of the other symptoms of pain than those without massage therapy.
This video, Comprehensive Reflexology & Massage: The Hand teaches how to perform easy techniques with reflexology trigger points and gentle massage movements. It is one of the most popular videos for learning how to massage the hand.
Meade Steadman, who instructs in this highly-rated video, demonstrates techniques for the hands of women and men, young hands and old hands, as well as anatomy of the hand, contraindications of massage, and physiological affects of the massage.
He provides slow, easy to understand instruction, of massage for hand and forearm to improve flexibility, circulation, and encourage relaxation.
This is a short clip of that DVD:
Massaging the hand is one of the most relaxing therapies anyone can have, and it's one pf the most popular services offered in the spa setting. Hand and foot spa treatments may also include a mask or scrub for gentle, relaxing exfoliation.
Read more about the benefits of massaging the hands at LiveStrong.
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