Digital Marketing for Beginners was written for massage therapists and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.
After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients i return, I decided to start marketing online.
It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!
But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!
That's when I wrote this book!!
Castor oil benefits include it's ability to nourish the scalp to promote healthy hair, fight damaged hair and dandruff, but it is also a natural skin moisturizer.
Castor oil is made by extraction from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant.The seeds, which are called castor beans, contain a enzyme called ricin. Although the ricin is normally toxic, the heating process deactivates it, allowing the oil to be used safely.
It has many industrial, medicinal, and pharmaceutical uses such as being an additive in medications, foods, and skin care products, as well as it's use as an industrial lubricant and a fuel component.
Castor oil originates from the seeds of the ricinus communis plant, which is abundant to the tropical areas of countries like Asia and Africa.
Used in ancient medicine for centuries, castor oil was taken orally as a laxative, used topically to stimulate hair growth, or applied as a skin lubricant. Some even used castor oil to induce labor or to encourage the flow of breast milk, although not backed by an scientific proof.
Read more about castor oil's properties at Healthline.
Although this oil is often overlooked as a health and beauty treatment, it is very safe to use on just about everyone, but some with super sensitive skin issues have experienced certain side effects after applying to the skin.
Castor oil benefits include the fact that it is high in Omega 6 and Omega 8 - great for skin and hair!
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