Best Massage Cream

by Danielle

My favorite massage cream is Soma Silk. It is light and provides a smooth glide for massage therapy.
I always buy the 5 gallon tub - for me it lasts about 6 months, and it' the most economical.
It warms easily and my clients seem to love it.
It's not a thick cream, in fact, it's more of a combination of cream and lotion, which I love!
I have used it for about 8 years and I don't foresee changing at any point. I highly recommend Soma Silk!

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Jun 16, 2020
Love Soma Silk
by: Tina

I buy the 5 gallon, and keep mine for 6-8 months at a time, and it has never gone rancid!

Mar 31, 2012
Soma silk love and hate
by: Anonymous

Soma silk used to be my favorite until I decided I wanted to keep multiple creams and lotions in the office. The Soma silk went rancid after a few months where as other herbal creams and oils last much longer

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